June 03, 2009

Turning 30...

A few weeks ago marked my 30th birthday. Now, when I was a teenager, 30 seems like really, really old. Like by the time you turned 30, you should have a full head of grey hair and you should have it all figured out with your life "in place".

While I certainly have a few (okay, maybe more than a few) grey hairs, I'm feeling pretty good about my 30's. Life in my 20's treated me to a few unexpected twists and turns, some good - some bad, but still, all guiding me to the place I am right now in my life. Throughout my 20's, I managed to check several things off my life's "to do list".

Finish college with a bachelors degree - Check.
Start my career, in a new city - Check.
Purchase my first house -Check.

All in all, not so bad if you ask me. One delightful thing that happen in my 20's was meeting Jeremy. Many people search their entire life for someone to share it with and I feel completely blessed knowing that I've found that special someone. It is really exciting knowing that my first year in my 30's will be celebrated in a big way - our wedding!

I'm not someone who has always dreamed about what her wedding will look like. This has been good because it has helped me to be flexible in the planning process. I've enjoyed the decision making that goes along when planning the details of a wedding. I am totally excited and thrilled to be getting married this fall. The details are fun, things like picking out my dress, choosing the flowers, and tasting lots of yummy cake!

Having said all that, the thing that excites me more than any of these details is my marriage. That's the part I'm looking forward to the most! Our marriage. I believe that marriages do work and I've witnessed it in my own family. I know that God has guided me through all those experiences in my 20's, leading me to this wonderful moment as I start my 30's, to let me know that I am ready to be married.

So while I spend time making lists of things that still need get done, and I fret over things like the font on our invitations, I know I'm making the best decision of my life. To share it with the person I love, for the rest of my life. It doesn't get much better than that.

Cheers to my 30's, I believe the best is yet to come!


Carole Warrick said...

All the best to you in your 30's! Cheers!

Unknown said...

Very well put Lenna!

Denae said...

I am also approaching the 3-0 and appreciate your post. Yay for 30s!

Becky said...

My 30s have treated me well so far. :) I'm a fan.

(Happy birthday, btw!!)

heathertj said...

This made me get a little teary! You guys are so great together and your life will be filled with happiness! I can't want for you to be my SIL